Learn About Jewish Suffragists at A New Zoom Event From The Braid/Jewish Women’s Theatre
Two prestigious professors will discuss the important, but often forgotten Jewish suffragists.
In three weeks it will be time to vote, and women can now cast their ballots because of the hard-fought right that suffragists won for all women one hundred years ago.
Among these suffragists were many incredible Jewish women who were largely forgotten by history, but who will be remembered at a special Zoom event presented by The Braid/Jewish Women’s Theatre (JWT) on Sunday, October 25, at 11 am PDT, 2 pm EDT.
Two prestigious professors, Dr. Ellen DuBois of UCLA and Dr. Melissa R. Klapper of Rowan University, will share their wealth of knowledge about the little-known Jewish suffragists with award-winning screenwriter Arlene Sarner at a relevant and exciting Sunday Morning at the Braid, just a week before one of the most important elections in American history.
JWT’s Sunday Morning at The Braid event is free to attend, but JWT hopes viewers will consider choosing a virtual ticket from its website. For the link to register and more information on how to use Zoom, visit: www.jewishwomenstheatre.org/zoom.
To view the original publication of the article above, click here: https://www.broadwayworld.com/los-angeles/article/Learn-About-Jewish-Suffragists-at-A-New-Zoom-Event-From-The-BraidJewish-Womens-Theatre-20201008